Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Wow what a long week-end! N picked me up at the airport and we did dinner and already fit in some shopping.  We started by getting mani and pedi's. S hung out with us, she is the most amazing 2 year old ever! So easy going. We picked up D at school had a quick lunch, and went back for naps, me included! HA! Good thing I did. We had a wild night ahead of us. It started at Ra a sushi place, meet some great girls. P had called and said he was coming to pick us up. So of course that meant SAKE BOMBERS! I am to embarrassed to give all the details! You'll have to get those directly from me! P then drove us to the W hotel's sushi restaurant and then went to their roof top bar... you are instantly cool being in that place. I could live there! Friday we shopped until we dropped! It was so much fun! Saturday we went to a photography workshop. It was so much fun hanging out with N all day and 15 other women who all love photography. They did some photoshop too, so that is some fun stuff!   If I can get it straight in my head! And stop using i photo! Old habits die hard!   After we left at 8:30 at night we still fit in more shopping! See the adorable outfits below! Sunday was filled with photo shoots, mass, photo shoots and some editing. Needless to say I slept the whole way home! I had a blast, Thank you P and N!! kisses to the girls! I loved meeting all your friends too!

1 comment:

flourish by mindy said...

I love that picture!!! Glad you had a fun trip...sorry I didn't get to meet you! :( I could tell by the last night emails - that you girls had a fabulous time!!!