Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Beautiful sunsets and silly friends...

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We are all ready for some yummy turkey! We are thankful for so many things. The kids and I compiled a list of all sorts of things! We are thankful for our health, house, each other, our jobs, our beds, cars, schools, teachers, friends, wii, hamsters, turkey heads, chloe, neighbors, babies, being outside, bikes, movies, books, food, candy, computer, birthdays, clothes, the love in our family, energy, non-running noses, thoughtful people, allergy medicine, baking, painting, cameras, pee pee on the potty, backpacks, lunch boxes, refrigerator, and a million other things! It is funny though how what they were thankful for was mainly the basics. Things that we do together as a family more so than things. I am blessed to have such a wonderful, happy and healthy family. I am counting my blessings this Thanksgiving more than ever before!

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Well, we have officially had our first few meetings for 12 girls for brownies. The girls are having a wonderful time and we are all learning a lot and having FUN doing it! We have such a SWEET group of girls. I just want to keep them all! They have learned the promise and law, about the founder, sewed a sit-upon it, and had their first ceremony. The investiture was so cute, we were twisting and turning and looking and found our brownie girls. So they are all "OFFICIALLY" brownies. This is bringing back a lot of MEMORIES for all of us moms! And hopefully creating some for the girls!


Our little Ella is so flexible! She is so great a gymnastics. She is such a natural at it. Already doing back walk-overs and just seems to be lovin life when out there on those mats! The whole entire hour and a half class, she never stops moving. Even when she is waiting for her turn she is doing cartwheels, round offs and hand stands. Bouncing from one thing to another. Her favorite is bars and trampoline. But I think she is strong in floor and beam. For now she loves it and gets to be in class with her best friend Abbie... so what could be better in the life of a 6 year old!


Avery is here, there and everywhere. You think she was in one bounce house and you blink and she was gone and over petting someone's puppy. Then over trying to bang the bell. What was that kids name in The Incredible's that could run so fast? That should be Avery's nick name!


We had a great time bouncing, playing, chatting and eating with all of our neighbors at the Waterchase fall festival! Ella and Abbie got new hair do's! Avery LOVED the bouncey houses... which is a first time she would go into them! CRAZY trying to follow them all around and keep up with them with all the things to do!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Wow!! What a night! The girls had so much fun! We started at a friends house for a spaghetti dinner. Yummy food and drinks, Thanks Maria! Ella was "missing" for a bit going out with another group of friends trick or treating. We found her and stopped by her teachers house , Mrs. Nagel, she is in the black shirt. We made it back to our house and officially STARTED trick or treating after everyone was almost FINISHED!
Greg made some carmel apple martini's... that we all loved. But he liked them a lot, wink wink. One of the families has a cotton candy machine that the kids loved! There were so many beautiful princess out that night! I think they got 5 lbs of candy! I tried to talk them into the fairy coming and leaving them money... they wanted NO part of that! They wanted to keep ALL of their candy. Delaney and Avery's spaghetti dinner was the next night. There were so many great dessert. My friend Michelle made a wonderful apple crisp!  The kids loved seeing there friends and the magician


Special treats, crazy hair and crazy sock day, and fun laundry room. Greg finished the laundry room while I was gone in Phoenix. It is so nice to have a place to "hang their hat"!