Monday, August 18, 2008

Boo Hoo Back to School... for 1 day!

After a very lazy and at the same time productive week-end, Grace and Ella were off to catch the bus at 7:30 am. Grace walked Ella to her classroom which is in the new building. She made sure she was safe and sound and gave her a hug and kiss good bye. I knew they really cared about each other! Ella's best part of her day was art class. They learned how to do an outline and draw their backpack. Ella is so lucky because her teacher lives in our neighborhood and also has a first grade daughter. She is very sweet. Perfect teacher for our little Ella Bella.

Grace had a great time in her new class and loved going to art too! She also learned how to draw her backpack. She met lots of new friends and she said she liked them all because they had a great "personality". She really hit it off with one of my good friend' son, Alex. That makes me so happy! She also loves her teacher. Everyone says that she will give you extra pe time, so Grace automatically gives her an A+!! Grace also loves science and her teacher was an AGP science teacher. Another reason Grace is excited to have her!

Delaney and I came home, and got her already to go. She went right into her class and started her day with no problem at all. She was so excited to see her friends and finger paint. She learned how to paint a kitty and a dog. She played mom, dad and mermaid with Julianna, (Alex's sister) . She just loves her school! I was doing great until I saw some other moms tearing up!

Tomorrow was supposed to be Avery's first day of school. She is going Tuesday and Thursday. She was a little upset when we dropped off Lainey and she didn't get to stay. She also doesn't like the fact that she can't go into dance class too! However, our schools are all cancelled because of the Tropical Storm Fay. I am sure everything will be fine. Our schools are hurricane shelters, so they need them available if it does turn more severe. So all the kids will go back wednesday (fingers crossed!) and Avery will then start Thursday! I have lots to do with Delaney's Birthday Party Sat morning!

They all came home from school and it was a quick change into tights, leos and tutus and we were off to dance. Grace is now up to a 2 hour class. They are all doing ballet and tap. G and E are also doing jazz. They all said that was the best part of their day! Can you believe all 3 go at the same time!?!? How lucky am I!

On another note, my B-I-L Gerry went in for a PET scan Friday. We are all anxiously awaiting the results. He has a meeting with the surgeon at the end of the month. Hopefully, the surgery will be scheduled soon. He was in getting another blood transfusion today. Kayla leaves for TCU on Wed! Good Luck Kayla! I'd better get baking some cookies!

I am off to fold some laundry and watch the Entourage, Greg's new favorite show. Busy day again tomorrow with them all home and stuck inside with the yucky weather! To all my tampa friends, stay safe!


keep calm and carry on said...

have the girls write letters to their congressmen today while out of school.

sixwinks said...

Grace already did. It was about that they should have rights on the school bus!